About Me

Hello! I am Erin, sticker crazy, planner enthusiast. In my shop, Barney and Moon, you will find a great range of fun and functional planner stickers created by me in my home studio in the beautiful Scenic Rim region of Queensland, Australia.

I stumbled across planning in amongst the general chaos that was my eldest child commencing school, having a toddler, and working. Little people have a lot to do in their lives! Which meant a lot of things for me to remember each day. Planning helps me download all of the information onto paper, therefore leaving me with a clearer mind.

I started my shop as I felt inspired to make a contribution to the planner community. Inherently, I am a creative person, however I felt that this had been stifled as a result of 11 years working in the statutory child protection system. I started creating to give myself an outlet, however soon found that I love doing this so much that I was prepared to walk away from my career and become a full time creative.

Barney and Moon is now in its seventh year of business and I am very proud to tell anyone that this is what I do now! When I'm not in my office, I can be found enjoying my other great loves: my garden, plants, birds, and nature in general. I am passionate about being a good custodian of the land on which I live.

Hope to see you soon. Happy Planning!